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Focus 2013 1 E

1 9 F o c u s ‹Voigt›: Both areas have their purpose and value in the development process. There are applications where simulation is more dominant and others where testing is in the foreground. Models, basically, have a limited scope of validity, which is why it is essential to combine real subsystems with virtual subsystems, depending on the development task. Limitations in models can then be compensated by running real tests. In addition, it is precisely the intelligent combination of in-depth, physical understanding in the virtual world and practical experience gained through tests and experiments which results in valuable insights. A decisive factor is always the choice of the right combination of simulation and testing, depending on the task. We here at AVL have one very big advantage: The business units AST (Advanced Simulation Technologies) and ITS (Instrumentation & Test Systems) work together very closely in the development of trendsetting solutions. ‹F›: What methods are used for testing the components and the overall system as realistically as possible? ‹Conrad›: Depending on the phase in the development procedure, various different real/virtual combinations are chosen. The important thing is to have a consistent description of the test scenarios. In this respect, the term “maneuver-based testing” has become established. These tests are based on real world driving scenarios and also on theoretical abuse scenarios where safety measures have to be taken. These maneuvers are used regardless of the development environment – whether ment (PLM) systems. AVL is actively involved in shaping these industrial standards, and also incorporates them in its test systems and tools. ‹Conrad›: To us “open” also means that our customers are able to use the platform to apply their own development methods. Customers need to be put in a position to develop their own know-how on our systems. For this purpose, we offer a broad portfolio of solutions – from largely pre-fabricated solutions to open development environments, where customers can implement their own methods efficiently. ‹F›: Will it be possible in future to develop modern drives without an integrated development strategy? ‹Voigt›: The mere fact of the increasing complexity mentioned earlier already rules out any chance of meeting such demands without an integrated, open development platform. Ultimately, the integration of processes, tools and organizations is the key to overcoming the major challenges we face today. < in pure simulation or on a chassis dynamometer. ‹F›: Is the consistent development platform also an advantage in view of the growing diversity of variants? ‹Voigt›: Particularly in the development of variants, applying model-based approaches is a huge advantage. Once the components, on which the variants are based, are modeled and parameterized in detail, it becomes possible to perform variant calibrations, for example, very quickly. Based on models, significant parts of the calibration can be performed purely in the virtual world. Now we face the challenge of providing such methods for customers in an industrialized manner, as product and system solutions. ‹F›: To ensure a consistent development process at the customer’s location, is it necessary that all test systems and software tools were produced by AVL? ‹Voigt›: No, that is not necessary. Our customers have made a considerable investment in their existing infrastructure – from modeling tools to test systems. It must be possible for those tool chains, which they already have, to be used in an integrated platform too. So it is no coincidence that we have named our approach Integrated Open Development Platform. “Open” means that our customers can continue using their existing investment in tool chains. This is why AVL is also heavily involved in the standardization efforts being undertaken in the area of development platforms, such as e.g. Product Lifecycle Manage- > Michael Conrad, Director Portfolio Management Integration Software Products

Focus 2013 1 E
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