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1 5 F o c u s way they interact in different operating modes. Even when it comes to component selection and design – all the way to serial production – AVL can provide optimal support to its customers. “In this respect, energy management in vehicles is gaining particular significance. I like to compare this with a broker on Wall Street who buys stocks as cheaply as possible to sell them off at exactly the right time. Transferred to the powertrain – and this applies both for mainstream powertrains and electrified drive systems – it is all about generating the energy “cheaply” and then using it at the right time. The technical spectrum ranges from thermal management to recuperation solutions and even includes the option of giving the powertrain the ability to look ahead via driver assistance and navigation systems,” Uwe Dieter Grebe explained. Unlike its competitors, AVL has a significant advantage in that it can take energy optimization measures like these at a very early stage on the test bed under real-life conditions, which could result in a huge reduction both in development time and development costs. Uwe Dieter Grebe: “With all measures we take to optimize energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions, our priority is always to make the product more attractive and affordable for the customer. The CO2 emission reduction standards open up many new opportunities for us, and we will use them with our customers in order to develop modern, efficient and environmentally friendly drive solutions.“ < necessary to be optimally prepared for the customers’ future needs in order to become the preferred development partner.“ Dominant topic CO 2 reduction Asked in what areas there was still room to maneuver for CO2 reduction in advanced powertrain systems, Grebe said that the mainstream powertrain still offered great savings potential. “Both with DI gasoline and diesel engines, we will still be seeing significant improvements. And in this respect, AVL is optimally positioned in all partial aspects – from the combustion process to mechanical optimization. Added to this is the transmission which offers AVL a very big growth potential. In this respect, it is vital to develop optimal solutions all over the world, which meet the varying regional requirements.” Another big field of activity, according to Grebe, is electrification with its vast wealth of variants – from the mild hybrid to the all-electric vehicle with or without range extender. Here, its comprehensive know-how and experience puts AVL in a position to identify the perfect solution for each of its customers very quickly. One great advantage of AVL is its ability to simulate all components and the ›› We have to listen properly to what our customers are sa ying, so that we can make the most of our oportunities together. ‹‹

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