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SIMULATION SOLUTIONS TEST SYSTEM SOLUTIONS Electrification ��atter������e��t��������te���� E����otor����e��t��������te���� ��o��er��Electronic���� ��e��t��������te���� ��o����onent�� ��e��t��������te���� ��������on��t��e����irt��al�� te��t��e�� En��ine����e��t��������te���� En����o������ine�� ��e��t��������te���� ��eal����i��e����e��t��������te���� ��ri��eline����e��t��������te���� ����el��an����������e�� ��e��t��������te���� E��i����ion����e��t��������te������ an������ertification ��e��icle����e��t��������te���� ��acin������e��t��������te���� TESTING EQUIPMENT ����na��o��eter���� an������ct��ator�� Vehicle Testbeds ��e��t����ell����ec��anic������ an������ontrol����oo���� ��e��ia����on��itionin�� ��on��������tion�� ��ea����re��ent ��n��ection����e��tin�� ��o��������tion�� ��ea����re��ent E��i����ion����nal����i���� an������ea����re��ent ��n����e��icle�� ��ea����re��ent TESTING EQUIPMENT SIMULATION TOOLS TESTING TOOLS CUSTOMER SERVICES AVL Vehicle Testbeds APPROACH TO VEHICLE TESTBEDS Modern frontloading-oriented development processes with integrated and consistent use of simulation tools significantly e��tend the application spectrum of vehicle testbeds. Benchmarking, development and certification tasks previously reserved for road testing are more and more relocated to vehicle test��eds. O��jectification represents a major advantage of vehicle testbeds providing reproducible test conditions availa��le at any time ensuring efficient tests and measurements. Thanks to precise metrology and intuitive measuring – the control and automation technology ��AVL PUMA Open Vehicle Testing�� in com��ination with AVL InMotion™ powered ��y CarMaker and AVL CAMEO™ – the tool chain AC�� ��Advanced Cali��ration for ��rivea ��ility�� and the measuring system AVL M.O.V.E. – AVL vehicle test��eds meet all re��uirements for current and future oriented R���� tasks as well as those for an efficient development process. Availa��le for all new hy��rid and electric vehicles as well as for all frontloading-related tasks, these tools and features provide a seamless transition from road to testbed, where a realistic simulation is enabled. BENEFITS AT A GLANCE �� Shorter development times due to high levels of reproduci��ility in vehicle tests �� Continual improvement ��y means of uniform tools on all test��ed types �� ��rivea��ility improvement thanks to AVL PUMA Open Vehicle Testing as well as AVL InMotion™ powered ��y CarMaker and AVL CAMEO™ in com��ination with AC�� and the measurement system AVL M.O.V.E. TASK The vehicle testbed provides a realistic simulation of the road under reproduci��le environmental conditions. Vehicles with all types of powertrain systems can ��e tested. As these systems are su��ject to further diversification, the application fields on the vehicle test��ed e��tend and a central development tool e��ually integrating all vehicle components will ��e necessary. Thanks to a closer connection of vehicle testbed to engine and driveline test��ed ��y reusing test specifications, correlating test results and standardizing testing tools and methods allows for savings. The field of use and application range of vehicle test��eds is also effectively ��roadened for new applications such as shifting ��uality and drivea��ility, maneuver-��ased testing and powertrain cali��ration. Since the data is collected overnight and at weekends the capacity utilisation of the vehicle test��ed can ��e significantly increased. The su��se��uent data evaluation and the generation of, for e��ample, all drivea��ility cali��ration variants in the office environment makes it possi��le to simultaneously use vehicle prototypes for other calibration tasks. AVL vehicle test��eds stand out ��ecause of impressive innovative characteristics such as �� Active ��raking support �� Implemented ��uality checks and service log��ook �� Feed-forward type of control and innovative rolling resistance control algorithms �� Precision tractive force and speed measurement chains / 108

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