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/ 211 The easy and fast assignment of material properties to individual domains with the help of the e��tensive AST Property ��ata��ase is another highlight of the new AVL FIRE™ version. Simulation results are assessed in the new AST Post-Processor, supporting interactive and template-based visualization and analysis of two- and three-dimensional calculation data. The post-processor also allows the creation of animations, movies and 3D PDF, allowing engineers to easily recognize and interprete the causes and effects of transient �� uid �� ow phenomena. An in-��uilt report generator creates application-specifi c documentation. This results in signifi cantly shorter model turn-around times, helping to investigate more design variants more effi ciently in the product development process. ��ighly functional GUI Coolant fl ow through the thermally loaded cylinder head TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Typical simulations fre��uently e��ecuted ��y AVL FIRE™ M standard to support the development and optimization of powertrain components include: �� Intake and e��haust ports �� Manifolds and lines • Ventilation and air conditioning equipment �� Internal and e��ternal aerodynamics • Cooling systems • Turbocharger • Heat transfer and thermal load of structural parts CUSTOMER BENEFITS The software’s user-friendliness and the high degree of automation provide easy access to CFD to a large number of people, enabling them to take advantage of a simulation-driven design process.

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