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SIMULATION SOLUTIONS TEST SYSTEM SOLUTIONS Electrification ��atter������e��t��������te���� E����otor����e��t��������te���� ��o��er��Electronic���� ��e��t��������te���� ��o����onent�� ��e��t��������te���� ��������on��t��e����irt��al�� te��t��e�� En��ine����e��t��������te���� En����o������ine�� ��e��t��������te���� ��eal����i��e����e��t��������te���� ��ri��eline����e��t��������te���� ����el��an����������e�� ��e��t��������te���� E��i����ion����e��t��������te������ an������ertification ��e��icle����e��t��������te���� ��acin������e��t��������te���� TESTING EQUIPMENT SIMULATION TOOLS TESTING TOOLS ��e��t��e��������to��ation ��o��ertrain����ali��ration ��onitorin��������ontrol���� ��i����lation Test Information Management TESTING EQUIPMENT SIMULATION TOOLS TESTING TOOLS CUSTOMER SERVICES Test Information Management APPROACH Since the beginning of networking testbeds in the early eighties, AVL has been working on optimized solutions to support specialists in the fields of planning and preparation of test jo��s, including support at the testbed and further processing of test results. The continuity ��etween individual components form a highly efficient information chain from development to test facilities, making an important contri��ution to increasing the efficiency of the overall development process. A significant productivity gain in test��ed utilization can ��e achieved by integrating all test systems in a central data management system, minimising delays and downtimes at the testbed. An unique balancing of standardization and ��e��i��ility is the key to increased productivity. BENEFITS AT A GLANCE • Enhanced utilization of testbeds (according to an AVL study, an average potential increase of 20 percentage points) • Optimization of the productive test time • Reduced time and costs for administrative activities due to central data management • Fast response times due to remote monitoring of the entire test facility PORTFOLIO Central Data Storage for Testbeds Using the AVL SANTORIN HOST™ system (more than 300 installations worldwide), all data is organized centrally within the test facility in a shared database and provided to testbeds across several applications, from engine tests and transmission systems to component tests. ��estfie���� ����n��ge��ent AVL TFMS 1™ enables standardization and automation of core processes within the test field. The central tasks of the system are to manage all data in an efficient manner and handle all activities related to test jo��s, test e��uipment and units under test. ��e����te ����nit��ring ���� ��est��e��s AVL TEST��ATE™ provides users within a test facility with efficient remote access to the online data of the testbeds and HOST systems via a web browser, offering a real-time overview of the status of all testbeds. ������������ ����t�� ����n��ge��ent AVL SANTORIN MX 2™ is an intelligent central data management system that meets today’s and future challenges of OEMs. No matter where data come from, the system stores heterogeneous data in a consistent and synchronized way. It logically connects data from various sources and enables a harmonized data view. The unique combination with AVL CONCERTO 5™ offers the possibility for detailed result visualization and reporting. / 238

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