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products 3 3 F O C U S AVL CAMEO READY TO USE RESULTS Intelligent Online Methods – Active DoE Simplification and Flexibility Integration and Connectivity CAMEO 2014 PAVING THE WAY TOWARD INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY I N O N L INE C A L IBRAT I ON With CAMEO 2014, AVL launched its new 3.7 version of the CAMEO calibration environment last year. Two AVL experts speak about their vision for CAMEO 4.0, and the latest release that marks a major milestone on the road to the execution of this product vision. “It’s our aim to increase testing efficiency by applying CAMEO even further. In addition, we want CAMEO to give calibrators and test facility engineers first-class information which they can use straight away. When working with CAMEO at the test bed, we believe that customers should not be given data that needs processing in the office afterwards – as is customary with other tools. According to our vision, CAMEO should deliver results in the form of models, reports, maps, etc., which customers can use directly for their calibration tasks,” Gianluca Vitale says, outlining the objectives for CAMEO 4.0. “For this to succeed, our development work on CAMEO focuses on three aspects: • consistency between CAMEO and the testbed automation system • an operating concept with straightforward, customizable procedures • intelligent online methods that largely eliminate the need for downstream evaluation of tests at the office,” the head of the Calibration Department adds. With CAMEO 2014, steps were taken in the right direction. “We’ve improved the integration and the speed of the interface between CAMEO and the PUMA automation platform considerably. This prevents parameters from having to be set twice and allows tests under transient conditions,” says Alexander Heindl, product manager for AVL CAMEO. “We’ve made CAMEO 2014 much easier to operate due to the automation of certain procedures. One of these areas is model parameterization, which, in the past, involved a fair amount of repetitive work steps. Now this can be done at the mere push of a button.” Through automatic processes like these, users benefit from AVL’s integrated powertrain know-how. On top of that, it is very easy for users to develop their own procedures and roll them out across the entire test facility. “Important new features implemented in CAMEO 2014 are also the online mechanisms that allow test plans to be adapted during test runtime and models and maps to be parameterized and optimized online,” said the product manager. “This level of online intelligence raises productivity and calibration quality significantly.” Talking about further development plans, Gianluca Vitale says that: “One of the next steps will be the ability to parameterize semi-physical models online too. We also want to expand the application scope of AVL CAMEO to non-powertrain areas like driver assistance systems or steering.” <

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