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/ 195 KEY FEATURES OF AVL CRETA™ PROCESS WORKFLOW SUPPORT AVL CRETA™ supports your calibration process by reducing time for every step of your workflows. COLLABORATION Work together anytime from anywhere with alerts, notification subscriptions & team information. RESPONSIBILITY MANAGEMENT Clear responsibilities secure the complete process and overlapping work is eliminated. CONFLICT-FREE DATA MERGING Clear responsibilities enable a simple and easy creation of new merged Datasets without any conflicts. TRACEABILITY & VERSIONING Understand the “who, what, when and why” of any change during the calibration process. REPORTING & DOCUMENTATION Simple creation and reuse of reports helps you save time when reporting to the management or customer. PROJECT STATUS CONTROL Find the status of every calibration task easily and check if your project is on track. KNOW-HOW MANAGEMENT Ensure that your calibration knowledge is reused and does not disappear due to staff mobility. QUALITATIVE METRICS Monitor your quality and processes and optimize them where potential is identified. EXTENSIBILITY Open, pre-defined APIs let you connect to your in-house systems and apps.

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