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NEW CHALLENGES FOR ENGINES AND VEHICLE DEVELOPMENT / 184 SIMULATION SOLUTIONS TEST SYSTEM SOLUTIONS TESTING EQUIPMENT Dynamometers and Actuators Vehicle Testbeds Test Cell Mechanics and Control Rooms Media Conditioning Consumption Measurement Injection Testing Combustion Measurement Emission Analysis and Measurement In Vehicle Measurement SIMULATION TOOLS TESTING TOOLS CUSTOMER SERVICES REAL DRIVING EMISSIONS (RDE) The Real ��riving Emissions ��R��E�� legislation is adding the road as a new environment for emission testing and certifi cation. Compared to the current test environments, which are designed and optimized for perfect reproduci��ility and a removal of e��ternal in�� uences, driving a vehicle on the road under ��real-life�� conditions will never ��e 100 �� reproduci��le. The in�� uence of the road profi le, the am��ient conditions, the traffi c situation as well as the ��ehavior of the driver will signifi cantly in�� uence the results. One-to-one comparison of test results will not be possible; instead it is nessecary to handle and evaluate the test data using statistical methods. The RDE legislation will require the engines to be clean under all operating conditions. This will impose signifi cant challenges on the design and cali��ration of engines. Here R��E can ��ecome a door opener for alternative technologies as well as for alternative development processes. AVL OFFERS SIMULATION AND TESTING TOOLS FROM INSPIRATION TO OPEN ROAD RDE is imposing new challenges and complexity on today’s approach for the development of vehicles and engines. There is certainly no magic bullet to battle the increasing complexity, but AVL’s complete solution portfolio makes a difference. AVL can support any development project for RDE at all levels: INSTRUMENTS AND DEVICES Leading the market in various fi elds, AVL is committed to providing ��est in class performance, certifi ed compliance with legislations as well as easy integration in test systems. TEST SYSTEMS AVL covers the full range of test environments, from fi rst ideas in the offi ce to the open road. Consistent operation across all test environments is ensured. AVL M.O.V.E iS is a tailored testing solution for the R��E on-road application. PROCESS SUPPORT AVL software supports the test operation, calibration, model based development and data management through the entire development process.

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