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Check out the AVL Events App!

Get the most out of events hosted or attended by AVL

Fast, precise, comprehensive – you’ll never miss an important event again.

Keep your AVL event calendar up to date

Be it a symposium, conference, convention or colloquium – AVL events are THE automotive events of the year that no powertrain engineer in the world should miss. So if you’re looking for answers to the What, When, Where and Who, this comprehensive app provides you with all the intel you need to know. 

Thanks to the AVL Events App, you’ll never miss out on another important event taking place in the world of AVL again. You can easily search individual events, add them to your calendar or use the live stream if you won’t be able to participate in person.

An app with handy features


Your ticket is just a few clicks away


The focal point of every event


The people supporting AVL in making events happen


What and who to look out for


The things you get to see in-between or after


So you won´t get lost


Anything of interest? Bookmarks help you keep track

All-in-one for the perfect overview

With this practical app, you won’t miss an AVL event – this is where you will find out about the must-go-to places, the who-is-who keynote speakers and insights into latest automotive happenings all over the AVL world.

AVL List GmbH , Hans-List-Platz 1, 8020 Graz