
Virtual Calibration in Non-Standard Conditions

Increase Quality and Reduce Effort With AVL Virtual Testbed™

With our Virtual Testbed we have created a testing environment that is capable of replacing in-vehicle or testbed setups. This provides our engineers with an additional environment to comprehensively test different system configurations.

Virtual Testbed

The Virtual Testbed is a testing solution that allows you to connect models to your control units for virtual testing and calibration. How does it fit into your established development processes? Simply use the same tools, development environment and testing workflows as your other testing facilities. How does it connect to the “real” world? Move some of your test cases and calibration tasks (up to 30 %) to the Virtual Testbed. Rely on our proven and tested use cases for optimal guidance.

Testing and validation is an expensive and complex activity. This calls for large numbers of prototypes, along with costly test trips to examine the capability of systems in different climatic regions. Even mitigating these costs by switching much of the test burden from on-road and on-vehicle to climatic testbeds can be costly. Testbeds, that accommodate tests within the relevant range of non-standard ambient conditions, often come with huge hourly costs. A solution is therefore vital, to manage the performance and the cost efficiency.

Virtual Testbed
Virtual Testbed

Frontload Tests

Replacing missing real components with simulation models in early development phases.

The Power Of Models

Es soll eine Verbindung zwischen den Simulationen und ihrer Nutzung am Prüfstand sichergestellt werden.

Meeting New Trends

Stringent emission and CO2 regulations drive the development of new propulsion concepts.

Variety Of Variants

The variety of different powertrain and vehicle variants is increasing.

Based on more than 10 years of experience using Virtual Testbeds in calibration projects at both AVL and our customers, the solution is ready to support your:

  • Engine development (e.g. calibration at non-standard conditions, robustness investigations)
  • Powertrain development (e.g. shift strategy optimization)
  • Hybrid systems development (e.g. optimization of operating strategies,  integration testing)
  • Fuel cell development (e.g. calibration at non-standard conditions)

Already applied in hundreds of development projects, our virtual testbed covers:

  • Passenger cars
  • Light-duty and medium-duty vehicles
  • Heavy-duty vehicles
  • Off-road machinery

Validated use cases are available for all of these configurations.

AVL Virtual Testbed
AVL Virtual Testbed


30% Less Prototypes

Reduce your fleet of test vehicles by up to 30%.

25% Less Costs

Lower your development costs by up to 25% and significantly decrease your development time.

Maximized Quality

Improve the quality and robustness of your datasets.



Integrate models to represent any powertrain and vehicle configuration. If needed, AVL CRUISE M™ helps you to create models with the right accuracy.

Hybrid-Electric Applications

Validate the interaction of subsystems and different control units as early and as effectively as possible. The Virtual Testbed helps you to consider highly dynamic signals in the testing communication on system level.

Fuel Cell Development

The Virtual Testbed naturally extends the portfolio of virtualization for the development of fuel cells. It supports you with system integration testing, 0ptimization of operating strategies, diagnostic function validation and degradation testing.

Morgan LeCossec

With our Virtual Testbed we are providing a holistic testing environment and consistent toolchain. It comprises modelling capabilities, methodologies and engineering know-how in a single solution.

– Morgan LeCossec, Business Development Manager, Smart Calibration and Virtual Testing, AVL

Hungry for more? Gain more valuable insights through additional material.

Whitepaper Future Proof RDE Testing
A whitepaper about a methodology to optimize and ensure emission robustness with our virtual RDE testing platform.

We are constantly working on new solutions. The following might be interesting for you:

Solutions for the Virtualization of Development Processes

Virtualize your development process from configuration to SOP.

Fuel Cell Virtualization
Fuel Cell Operating Strategy Optimization and Testing

Enhancing fuel cell system optimization and testing with simulation.

Moving steadily into the future: Find out what’s brand new in the field of virtual calibration.

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Shortened Development Cycle of Electric Vehicles

Automotive test engineers focused on electric powertrain development need to shift as many tests as possible to simulation, decreasing dependence on costly dynamometer and field testing, early in the development process. They need to validate and opt

Block 3 - 3.4_Tools for maximum productivity
Tools for Maximum Productivity

The Virtual Testbed is one of the most efficient testing environments. To ensure a high productivity from the start of any calibration project, including the preparation of a Virtual Testbed for a specific project, a comprehensive toolchain is key –

Block 3 - 3.3. advanced optimization methods
Advanced optimization methods

Advanced optimization methods are today widely used across all testing domains. Applying latest DoE methodologies in the environment of the Virtual Testbed enable unique capabilities.

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Creating Plant Models for Virtual Calibration

Plant models are the core of any model-based development approach. For the purpose of virtual calibration, they need to fulfill some key criteria – on the one side, real time capability is needed, whilst on the other side, the model capabilities must

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Vehicle Simulation for Virtual Calibration

Learn how to leverage vehicle simulation in the context of virtual calibrationSimulating the vehicle is a key enable for a wide range of use cases and testing tasks. Combining vehicle simulation with the approach of virtual calibration provides uniqu

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Do we need a Virtual Testbed™ for BEV development
The development of electric vehicles include a wide range of new challenges but even more possibilities. A fully virtualized testbed or HiL system can provide a new approach for many challenges. This episode could be the impulse to discover new ways
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Commercial Vehicles – Calibrate Beyond the Limits

For commercial vehicles the main focus points during the development are TCO, the increasingly demanding emission legislations and the large variations of vehicle loads, driving patterns and vehicle variants. Therefore, there is one perfect solution

Block 2.2. - Virtualize the development of conventional and hybrid passenger cars
Virtualize the development of conventional and hybrid passenger cars

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Leverage Virtual Calibration for Fuel Cell Systems
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Block 1 - VTB in the development cycle - Kopie
AVL Virtual Testbed in the development cycle
Get insights on how to integrate the virtual testbed and virtual calibration into the development cycle - learn how it fits into your testing ecosystem/infrastructure.Key topics and takeaways

• Discover how to integrate virtual calibration into

Virtualizing Your Development Journey

This webinar shows how to implement a simulation solution into your development process that answers your system optimization and testing needs, covering all types of propulsion technologies.