Process Innovation Services

Leveraging Experience, Consulting Clients, Implementing State-Of-The-Art Methodologies


Process Innovation Services

With the adoption of new powertrain technologies and autonomous driving features, OEMs need to rethink their vehicle portfolio and technology roadmaps. This presents numerous challenges, particularly in terms of testing. With the high number of variants and possible combinations of new technologies, complexity is increasing. Add to that new global emissions standards and safety regulations for autonomous driving, and it's no surprise that the number of testing tasks required has skyrocketed.

Development efficiency has always been at the heart of what we do. Improvements can be made in three areas - your development, lab and IT processes, your employees' skills and your existing development environments. The key is building the right skills and combining them with the right tools. We accompany you on this journey from discovering potential for change all the way through implementation.

Process Innovation Services

AVL’s Process Innovation Services help you meet today’s demands. With our consulting and implementation services, you develop a more competitive product portfolio, optimize your development process and improve the efficiency of your simulation and test factory. AVL is in a unique position to help. With our deep understanding of vehicle development, methods and tools, you’re able to improve your development efficiency drastically. We will help you make the right decisions in today’s challenging, rapidly changing development ecosystem.

Process Innovation Services

We develop CONNECTED Toolchains as standard methodologies that combine testing, simulation, data management and technological know-how to increase the efficiency of a development process in terms of quality, time and cost. By means of efficient “frontloading”, engineering tasks are shifted from expensive prototype testing on the road towards early development phases in a partly virtual environment. Our CONNECTED Toolchains cover a variety of different automotive development areas, ranging from conventional powertrain applications to electrification and from component to system to vehicle level.

Process Innovation Services
6 step process for Process Innovation Services

Because our service is comprehensive, we do not just help you scope and plan particular changes. Unlike a traditional consulting service, we take it a step further: With proof-of-concepts (PoCs) and pilot projects, we show you how these adjustments can bring measurable and significant improvements. Together, we create a roadmap, and we will implement it into your processes so that your engineers can use the new capabilities in the most efficient and effective way.

Rainer Schantl

Combining customer processes and business know-how with AVL’s international experience and innovations assures measurable improvements in customer processes.

- Rainer Schantl, Chief Engineer Process Innovation and Implementation, AVL

  • Increase development efficiency
  • Shorten time-to-market
  • Reduce costs and increase quality with a higher degree of virtualization
  • Shift to a software-centric and data-driven approach
  • Solve tasks with the right mix of development environments and tools
Process Innovation Services
battery lifetime prediction
Battery Lifetime Prediction for Electric Vehicle Fleets

 A customized solution to monitor vehicle fleets and battery conditions on the road by using the Internet of Things (IoT) and a cloud-based analytics platform.

Dynamic Calibration of E-Drive and E-Axle: BEV - Mixed Prototype
Dynamic Calibration of E-Drive and E-Axle

Elevate your development game: transition optimization tasks to component level for cost reduction, accelerated decision-making, and streamlined development processes.


Moving steadily into the future: Find out what’s brand new in the field of process innovation.

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