Hardware and software solutions for SOFC test beds
In a system, the unit under test (UUT) or device under test (DUT) is the stack or module along with the complete BoP. The output power is typically DC for automotive or mobile applications and AC for grid-connected applications. System test beds are to be used to perform performance testing of your final system and to determine operating strategies for the highest possible efficiency on the one hand, and also to identify those areas that are causing degradation or underutilization of your system. To perform all these activities, we offer hardware and software tools for test beds together with our dedicated test bed automation.
Simulation and emulation One of the biggest challenges when starting an SOFC development program from scratch is co-simulation and emulation. We overcome these challenges because of our intensive SOFC research. With this background knowledge and our sophisticated simulation toolchain, we first use virtual models and later replace them with actual hardware components. We link these simulation capabilities to our various test benches.
We believe in SOFC technology because it will enable a major leap in efficiency through the intelligent use of resources. This great potential for cost and energy efficiency makes SOFC a technology that has a great future ahead of it.
- Dr. Vikrant Venkataraman, Development Engineer Hydraulics, AVL