SOFC Testing Solutions

We transform the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell validation & testing

SOFC Testbed empty

The solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is a promising solution for the energy transition towards a sustainable hydrogen economy. With its operating temperature of at least 650 °C, the SOFC is considered a high-temperature fuel cell. The reaction of oxygen with hydrogen produces both electrical and thermal energy. This makes the SOFC suitable for supplying electricity and hot water, making it particularly efficient.

Based on many years of experience in developing stationary and mobile SOFC solutions, AVL provides comprehensive solutions for validation. We cover the entire development process, from the simulation of individual components or systems to system optimization and test bed solutions.

Over the past 20 years, we have gained a great deal of experience in SOFC development and have carried out around 100 development projects for the validation of robust products. In doing so, we have revolutionized the way SOFC solutions are tested. We raised test infrastructure such as test benches to the level of standardized modules.


Hardware and software solutions for SOFC test beds

In a system, the unit under test (UUT) or device under test (DUT) is the stack or module along with the complete BoP. The output power is typically DC for automotive or mobile applications and AC for grid-connected applications. System test beds are to be used to perform performance testing of your final system and to determine operating strategies for the highest possible efficiency on the one hand, and also to identify those areas that are causing degradation or underutilization of your system. To perform all these activities, we offer hardware and software tools for test beds together with our dedicated test bed automation.


SOFC automation

Simulation and emulation One of the biggest challenges when starting an SOFC development program from scratch is co-simulation and emulation. We overcome these challenges because of our intensive SOFC research. With this background knowledge and our sophisticated simulation toolchain, we first use virtual models and later replace them with actual hardware components. We link these simulation capabilities to our various test benches.



SOFC stack simulation
Vikrant Venkataraman

We believe in SOFC technology because it will enable a major leap in efficiency through the intelligent use of resources. This great potential for cost and energy efficiency makes SOFC a technology that has a great future ahead of it.

- Dr. Vikrant Venkataraman, Development Engineer Hydraulics, AVL

We can also help you with the design and development of your own SOFC laboratory. Our services vary on different levels namely, we can offer consultancy, engineering, management and equipment procurement and systems integration.

On the consultancy level, we would carry out feasibility and financial studies, estimate construction costs, carry out an environmental impact study and propose implementation plans.

On the engineering level, depending on the customer’s requirement, we carry out a preliminary study which is then followed by a definitive and detailed study. 

SOFC Testbed at AVL headquarter
AVL HyTron

A gas conditioning and consumption solution for hydrogen and other gaseous fuels. Learn more about this dedicated product to safely supply and condition gases for the testbed usage.

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy with AVL X-ion and AVL Smart EIS

The Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) is an innovative stimulus response testing technology for checking the frequency-dependent internal resistance of electrochemical cells such as batteries or fuel cells.

Fuel Cell Virtualization
Fuel Cell Operating Strategy Optimization and Testing

Enhancing fuel cell system optimization and testing with simulation.

AVL PEM Testing
PEM Fuel Cell Testing Solutions

Testing solutions for every development step from cell to system for all applications from passenger car to aviation

SOFC Testbed
SOFC System Test Bed

The SOFC (solid oxide fuel cell) system test bed (TB) is capable of testing units from 5 kWe (net power) up to 400 kWe (net power) under different operating scenarios.

Energy Landscape
Industrial Energy Engineering

Experts all agree: The energy system of the future is carbon neutral. However, there is less of a consensus when it comes to how to provide energy affordably, easily, and reliably. At AVL we deliver answers and solutions.

AVL Balance-of-Plant testing
AVL Balance-of-Plant Testing

AVL balance-of-plant (BoP) testing solutions are modular and tailored test beds to emulate the real load of a fuel cell system.

AVL PUMA 2™ Fuel Cell

AVL PUMA 2™ Fuel Cell is our intuitive automation system for highly dynamic fuel cell system testing. It is the global industry standard for testbed automation.

Fuelcell Testbed
AVL Fuel Cell System Testbed

AVL designed the integrated Fuel Cell System Testbed to provide highly efficient and accurate testing while minimizing integration efforts. Reusing our reliable and proven modules and transferring our R&D expertise and maturity into a compact solution was crucial. 

AVL PUMA 2™ Fuel Cell Stack and Cell

AVL PUMA 2™ Fuel Cell Stack and Cell is a state-of-the-art automation system for fuel cell stack and cell testing 

FuelCell Test Systems
Hydrogen Testing Solutions

In the search for green and sustainable mobility, AVL has addressed the challenges of developing and validating automotive fuel cell systems – from a single cell up to complete systems for various applications. 

Fuel Cell Power Generation
Fuel Cell Power Generation

AVL offers complete solutions for decentralized power generation.

Our engineering teams work on fuel cell development and testing for leading manufacturers and research institutions around the world. From passenger cars to HD truck application to stationary CHP units for small and large applications, we have innovated the development methodology and standardized the required tools.



Maritime Mobility Special

This exclusive webinar gets to grips with all things maritime mobility. 

H2 Safety Services
Safety in Testbeds for FC Systems and H2ICE

New Technologies demand not just new testing methods and testing devices but also customized safety measures. 

AVL Contribution to DLR Project: 1.5- Megawatt Composite Testbed for Fuel Cells

World's first test field for fuel cell propulsion systems in the megawatt range

AVL Joins HZwo Innovation Cluster to Drive New Mobility Technologies
Close alliance between academic research and industry for an accelerated energy transition in Saxony, Germany
AVL and Ceres Set to Combine Competencies for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems Technology

New cooperation