


- 英国:Royal Institute of Britisch Architects (RIBA)
- ドイツ:Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure (HOAI)
- スペイン:Real Decreto 2512/1977, del 17 de Junio.Tarifas de honorarios de los arquitectos (RD2512/1977)
- ブラジル:Instituto de Arquitectos do Brasil (IAB)
- 欧州/EU:Architects Council of Europe / Conseil des Architectes d’Europe (ACE-CAE)
- 米国:The American Institute of Architects (AIA)
- グローバル:Building Information Modelling (BIM)

– AVL List GmbH グローバルビジネスセグメントマネージャー Martin Steinbauer





Service and Operation

The mission of the tech center is to effectively meet the engineering organization's needs. Ensuring the availability of equipment, utilities, and test systems is a major challenge, ranging from measurement sensors to central supply utilities. However, the goal extends beyond mere availability. The service and operations organization must be capable of covering test field planning, testbed operation and automation, data quality analysis, and infrastructure main-tenance, among other tasks. With our expertise and experience in maintaining, supporting, and operating over 7,000 test installations, we are the perfect partner for tech center's service and operation needs.
From tech center consultancy and turnkey facility solutions to energy management solutions and digital immersive reality solutions, you have come to the right place for tech center expertise.
Tech Center Consultancy

Investment decisions for tech centers should anticipate engineering demands for the coming decades. Starting a tech center requires knowledge of how the market will change and what products will be needed. It is important to be clear about any uncertainties because they greatly affect the Tech Center's design. AVL is well-placed to help because of our worldwide experience in planning and operating tech centers for many customers and diverse applications.
Turnkey Facility Solutions

Our turnkey facility solutions provide perfectly integrated test systems. Our holistic approach ensures complete solutions, including the integration of measurement and test technology into new or existing facilities. Moreover, we specialize in technical building equipment, such as ventilation, electrical installations, and sensors, as well as central equipment like transformers and switchgear. Benefit from our expertise in comprehensive testing infrastructure.
Energy Management Solutions

Sustainability and carbon neutrality are not only environmental factors, but also economic ones – saving and reusing energy is key to reducing operating costs. In addition, the increasing complexity of power interactions between test cells and the overall power infrastructure of a tech center requires processes and tools to understand how energy flows in the facility. AVL offers energy management solutions to design an efficient new lab, to upgrade existing facilities and software tools to monitor and control where and how the energy is being used in the tech center. We are committed to sustainability combined with meeting the highest technical, economical and quality demands.
Digital Immersive Reality Solutions

At the heart of digital transformation is immersive reality, which includes VR, AR, 3D scanning, and advanced 360° visualization-a critical force for improving efficiency and quality across the value chain. It enhances internal and external collaboration and improves performance in engineering, service, maintenance, and training. This technology facilitates the handling of complex projects, addressing crucial details such as space, piping, and design review throughout and after project execution. Whether in VR collision checks, design reviews, or AR maintenance guidance, immersive reality transforms task execution. By having a holistic understanding of what is needed and how this technology can support the entire process, we are able to create unique, custom tools and methodologies.
Digital Immersive Reality Solutions

At the heart of digital transformation is immersive reality, which includes VR, AR, 3D scanning, and advanced 360° visualization-a critical force for improving efficiency and quality across the value chain. It enhances internal and external collaboration and improves performance in engineering, service, maintenance, and training. This technology facilitates the handling of complex projects, addressing crucial details such as space, piping, and design review throughout and after project execution. Whether in VR collision checks, design reviews, or AR maintenance guidance, immersive reality transforms task execution. By having a holistic understanding of what is needed and how this technology can support the entire process, we are able to create unique, custom tools and methodologies.
AVL E-Mobility Testing Solutions – Brochure
Tested and Trusted.
AVL Tech Center Solutions – Booklet
From requirements to reality.
AVL Energy Management Solutions – Booklet
Solutions for highly efficient energy management in Tech Centers.
AVL Digital Immersive Reality Solutions – Booklet
Quality, efficiency, collaboration.
AVLは、電動自動車、コンポーネント、システム一式すべてに対応する、最高水準の効率性、柔軟性、信頼性を誇る試験ソリューションのグローバルパートナーであり、最も革新的な技術を活用しています。AVLは70年以上にわたりテクノロジーの最先端を走り続け、世界各地で自社所有のテクニカルセンターで260台以上のテストベンチを運用しています。試験センターで最高水準の効率性を達成するため、AVLは知識と経験でお客様をサポートします。要件から実際の運用へ – AVLが実現します。


- EN,
AVL List GmbH has appointed Matthias Dank as new board member and Executive Vice President (EVP). The top manager with international experience was previously at McLaren Applied, where he was Director of Motorsport.

- EN,
Latest projects from Northrop Grumman and Eviation presented at CES

- EN,
AVL RACETECH, the motorsport department of AVL, presents the prototype of an innovative H2 internal combustion engine. The power unit is a compact, hydrogen-powered 2-liter turbo engine, with intelligent water injection, which achieves a totally new performance level. The first racing engine that AVL RACETECH is developing and building in-house.