AVL Italia R&D Activities

Together for future mobility.

Discover more about all the R&D projects we are carrying out.

Financed Projects

Innovation is in our DNA and also thanks to fundings coming from local, national and European institutions, we are continuously investing in shaping the future of mobility. 

Advancing Electric Vehicle Technology

EPIGNOSIS, a collaborative initiative launched in 2023 and funded by the Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico under the Innovation Agreements, focuses on advancing electric vehicle technology. The project brings together the key partners Università Politecnica delle Marche, Politecnico di Torino, RE:LAB, and AVL Italia.

AVL Italia leads the project, aiming to create a 800 V battery electric vehicle prototype with a focus on the following objectives:

  • Achieve a high voltage battery energy density higher than 0.15 kWh/kg
  • Maximize energy recovery during braking
  • Implement and validate ADAS emergency reactions capable of energy recovery (e.g., Intelligent Speed Assistant, Emergency Brake Assistant, Emergency Lane Keeping)
  • Integrate powertrain functions, adaptive HMI (Human-Machine Interface), DMS (Driver Monitoring System), augmented audio, and ADAS features

AVL Italia is responsible for the following activities:

  • ADAS system integration, controls development and validation
  • VCU (Vehicle Control Unit) controls development, calibration, and validation
  • E-Powertrain system design, geometrical integration, and development
  • Integration of ADAS reactions with the E-Powertrain system
  • HV (High Voltage) batteries design, prototype, and functional validation
  • Design and development of thermal systems, E/E (Electrical/Electronic) systems, and safety architecture
  • Vehicle prototype assembly

The EPIGNOSIS project, slated to conclude by the end of 2026, represents a significant leap forward in electric vehicle technology. By combining innovative powertrain functions and advanced ADAS features, it aims to enhance energy efficiency and safety.



3 Years

November 6, 2023 November 5, 2026

€ 12.2 million

Total Project Value

€ 5.4 million

Funded by Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico

Manufacturing and Assembly of Modular and Reusable Electric Vehicle Battery for Environment-Friendly and Lightweight Mobility

AVL Italia is involved in the MARBEL project, which was initiated in 2020 as part of the Horizon Europe program. The project aims to develop new compact, lightweight, and high-performance battery packs. The project has a total funding of € 9.8 million, will run for 42 months and the consortium is formed by 16 European partners.

Specifically, AVL Italia handles the assembly and disassembly of battery modules and packs. These activities take place in the High Voltage Prototypes Laboratory at the Technical Center in Cavriago. The workflow is defined during the design phase to ensure adequate safety standards for assembly operators and supervisors.

MARBEL Meeting

The outcome of this Work Package (WP6) is the detailed definition of work instructions for future production assembly operators. In addition to WP6, AVL Italia also supports the design phase of the project, focusing on safety standards compliance and defining requirements for effective industrialization.

In February 2024, AVL Italia hosted the periodic general assembly meeting at the Technical Center in Cavriago, where partners shared project progress and discussed upcoming steps.   ​​ Further information about MARBEL: https://marbel-project.eu/


Smart, Connected and Secure Battery Management System Enhanced by Next Generation Edge and Cloud Computing, Sensors and Interoperable Architecture

iBattMan is a Horizon Europe funded project that aims to revolutionize battery management systems (BMS) by overcoming critical limitations in existing solutions. With a total budget of over € 6 milion (of which about € 5 milion are EU contribution), the project spans 42 months and involves a consortium of 11 European partners. The ultimate goal is to develop an innovative, modular, and scalable BMS that enhances performance, connectivity, security, and reliability across a wide range of vehicles—from small passenger cars to e-buses and electric trucks.

iBattMan Logo

This project has been officially kicked-off in January 2024 and AVL Italia is responsible for executing the system integration and testing phase. Here are the main objectives:

  • Prototyping: BMS physical integration and battery assembly
  • Battery BVT (Built, Verify, Test) implementation: execution of BVT procedures to ensure battery functionality and safety, and alignment of BVT processes with BMS requirements
  • Validation plan, test method and execution for State of Health (SoX) assessment:
    • Optimization of the current testing methodology for SoX validation
    • Definition (establishment) of correlations between aging factors, operational conditions, predictive scenarios, and specific SoX parameters for iBattMan
  • Verification of SoX functionality maturity within different battery packs

These activities will take place at the High Voltage Prototypes Laboratory within the Technical Center in Cavriago.
Additionally, AVL Italia contributes to the requirements definition and BMS development phases, emphasizing features critical for successful assembly and validation.

Further Information about iBattMan: https://ibattman.eu