How to accelerate the e-drive calibration process

E-Drive Pruefstand
E-Drive calibration is done mainly manually on testbeds and takes a lot of time and effort. To achieve an efficient calibration a lot of know-how and activities are needed.Several variation parameters can influence the performance of the e-drive system; in addition, the temperature condition of the e-drive system needs to be considered throughout the whole calibration process, adding further challenges.In this free webinar, experts from AVL introduces a calibration process which is optimized for calibration quality and time saving, using an Active DoE approach in combination with a connected toolchain consisting of automation, testing solutions and simulation.Key topics and takeaways:

• E-drive calibration process and associated challenges

• Overview of automated PMSM parameter identification

• Use case for PMSM parameter identification

• Introduction intelligent calibration with Cameo Active DoE

• Calibration use case

Recording available - 60 mins
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Meet our experts who are the presenters of this webinar.

Mario Propst, Ali Sinmaz, Francesco Duchi