The protection of your privacy is important to AVL.
This AVL Online Privacy Notice applies to data we collect from users when visiting and operating our online channels like websites, apps, etc. For any other processing of Personal Data of the AVL group of companies, please find here our general AVL Transparency Statement according to Art. 13 and 14 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

We know that you care about which information about you is used and stored. We strictly observe the legal provisions and regulations applicable to us when processing your Personal Data and we are committed to maintaining robust privacy protections for all our users.

This AVL Privacy Notice is designed to help you understand how we collect, use and safeguard the in-formation you provide. It explains how we handle your personal information and how you can access and update your preferences. The AVL Privacy Notice applies to all of your interactions with AVL through:
subsites to
sister sites, apps etc. if these include this Privacy Notice by reference

Personal data you share with us through these sites will be processed by AVL and the AVL group of companies according to the principles set out below:



Information about the collection of Personal Data when you visit our website
Information about the collection of Personal Data when you register on our website
Information about the collection of Personal Data when you email us or fill in a form
Information about the Collection of Personal Data when you Refer a Friend, or receive a Respective Message (Forward to a Friend)
Information about the Collection of Personal Data when you use other areas (e.g. our Shop)

Responsible Body ("Controller")
Your Rights as a Data Subject

Retention of Your Personal Data
Deletion of Your Personal Data
Updating or Changing your Account
Security Measures we Apply When Holding Your Data

Sharing your Personal Data within the AVL group of companies
Sharing your personal data with payment service providers
Use of other Service Providers
Secure Transmission

Opting-out from Our Communications
Newsletter Tracking
Customized Ads on Facebook and LinkedIn


We collect “Non-Personal Data” but also “Personal Data”.

Personal Data include, for example, your email, contact and company address information etc. that you provide us (e.g. through a registration process on or through other channels).

Non-Personal Data include all information that cannot be used to identify you as a person, such as usage data, generic demographic information, landing page hit rates referring to our website pages or URLs. When Non-Personal Data is being linked to Personal Data it becomes Personal Data.

Information about the collection of Personal Data when you visit our website

Anyone may visit the public areas of the AVL website without disclosing his or her name, address, etc. Such information is only requested by AVL if needed to provide services to you or to fulfill requests you may have (such as registering, ordering documents, subscribing to a newsletter, registering for an event, etc.).

If you use our website for informational purposes only and for as long as you do not provide us with any information about you, we only collect data that is technically necessary for us to display our website and to ensure its stability and security (legal basis is Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR). Such data are:

  • IP address of the accessing computer
  • Date and time of retrieval
  • URL of the retrieved page
  • Status message as to whether the retrieval was successful
  • Transmitted amount of data
  • The referrer URL from which the user came to the retrieved page
  • HTTP user agent information (i.e. information about the accessing device, its operating system, and its browser)
  • information stored in Cookies we have set
  • log files we have created to be able to describe an event that has occurred during your visit (e.g. acceptance of Terms of Use).

Information about the collection of Personal Data when you register on our website

If you want to enjoy content on our website in a user-targeted manner, you are required to register for our closed user area, made available as part of our website (e.g. on "my AVL"). The content and applications in such closed user areas are selected according to your account settings and access rights.

The Personal Data we collect within such closed user areas may include the following, depending on what you have provided:

  • Name and Contact Details (first name, last name, email address, postal address)
  • Registration Information (preferences, participation details of an event, food requests, special assistance requests for an event, event ticket prices and payment methods)
  • Geographical Data (information about where you are located, such as country, city, postal code)
  • Payment Data (payment details such as billing address, payment method and payment status)
  • Interests and Preferences (your interests and preferences related to our products and solutions and what you have downloaded from

The purpose of collecting Personal Data in such closed user areas, is to make it possible for you, as an AVL website user, to influence the content we will serve you with (by reflecting your own personal needs and preferences). Also, you enable us to provide you with information on specific topics via your preferred channel (website, email, postal, phone), if you have chosen to receive such information. Further, the objective is to make it easier for you to engage and interact with our products and solution portfolios, receive offerings, and purchase products via the AVL website.

According to Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR the processing of your data is necessary when fulfilling a contract with us or when carrying out pre-contractual measures, since without this we cannot conclude the contract or take pre-contractual measures.

Information about the collection of Personal Data when you email us or fill in a form

When you contact us by email, through a form on our website (such as the registration form for the participation to an event, or to download a publication), or through other areas on the website made available to you to fill information, the information you provide (your email address and, if applicable, your first name and last name, plus information explicitly asked for, or further information you provide us with) will be stored by us to answer your questions, to process transactions that you have requested and to pass on information about AVL products and solutions (legal basis is Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR).

Information about the Collection of Personal Data when you Refer a Friend, or receive a Respective Message (Forward to a Friend)

Sometimes, you have the possibility to point a friend to a section on our website if you believe this is useful to that friend. In that context you may enter another person's email address as the recipient of a message generated within our systems. The message will contain the link to the section of our website you deem to be useful, your email address (as the sender), your name, all of which will be visible to the recipient together with the other information you entered into the subject line and the body section of the respective message.

When you receive such a message you see all of the information that has been entered into the "Forward to a friend"-form. It may be the following: email address, first name, last name, any other information about you, which the website user has entered into the form.

Such information will only temporarily be stored and processed for the time needed to have an email being sent on behalf of the website user. While we may keep logs to protect ourselves, we do not otherwise use the information provided to us via the corresponding form. Further processing does not take place in relation to information provided in this way, nor do we pass on such information to third parties. It is our legitimate interest to offer such functionality to keep up a conversation about our offerings that are, upon corroboration from a website user, of interest to the recipient (legal basis is Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR).

Information about the Collection of Personal Data when you use other areas (e.g. our Shop)

When you register for and use our shop or other areas of the website additional privacy statements apply.

Responsible Body ("Controller")

The body responsible for the website you are visiting and for the privacy aspects of this website (collection, processing and use of your Personal Data) in accordance with Art. 4 para. 7 GDPR and its contact details are mentioned in the imprint (individually designated for country pages).

Our Data Protection Officer / Privacy Office can be reached by email at:

Your Rights as a Data Subject

You have the right to access according to Art. 15 GDPR, rectification according to Art. 16 GDPR, erasure according to Art. 17 GDPR, restriction of processing according to Art. 18 GDPR, and - if applicable - data portability according to Art. 20 GDPR.

Where we use your Personal Data based on Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR you further have the right to object against our use of your Personal Data. We then shall no longer process such Personal Data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms. If you want to exercise your right to object in such a scenario, please contact us at:

Where we process your Personal Data on the basis of your consent, you can revoke that consent at any time. The revocation does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the con-sent prior to the revocation. If you want to withdraw your consent, please contact us at:

For your safety and ours, we may need to authenticate your identity before fulfilling your request.

Furthermore, if applicable on you, there is also a right to lodge a complaint with an appropriate data privacy regulatory authority (Article 77 GDPR).

To What Extent Is There Automated Decision-Making?

We generally do not use any automated decision-making pursuant to Article 22 GDPR. If we use this procedure in individual cases, we will inform you of this separately, as long as this is a legal requirement.

Retention of Your Personal Data

In order to offer you the best customer experience, we are storing the Personal Data that have been pro-vided by you during your interactions with AVL.

We delete data after the storage is no longer required. For tracking information acquired through our Newsletters see below ("Newsletter Tracking"). We may need to keep data on file beyond that period if statutory retention rules require us to do so. In such scenarios, we will restrict the processing to what is needed to fulfill the statutory retention rules.

Personal Data provided to AVL by you online may be linked to information passed on to AVL when services or products are ordered.

Deletion of Your Personal Data

AVL will provide you with information about what Personal Data of yours we store. You can get information about your stored data at any time and you may assert your right to correct information, or to delete your data. If you wish to do so, please contact our Data Protection Officer / Privacy Office at

Updating or Changing your Account

The stored Personal Data relates to the information you provided to us, including your personal preferences, all of which you can change, update or erase as follows:

You can always make changes through your account. Simply log in and follow the instructions to edit your profile information in “My Data”.

Additionally, you can select your topic preferences and sign up for our newsletter in “My News”.
If you want to delete your account, please contact us at
If you have any other questions, contact our Data Protection Officer / Privacy Office at

Security Measures we Apply When Holding Your Data

Taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risk of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, AVL makes appropriate effort to protect Personal Data against accidental and illegal destruction and loss. AVL endeavors to ensure that Personal Data is used in a proper manner and to protect it from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. We use a combination of process, technology and physical security controls to help protect personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

Further, access to personal information is restricted to those employees, contractors, and agents of AVL who need to know such data to perform their assigned functions and develop or improve our products and services.

Sharing your Personal Data within the AVL group of companies

Any Personal Data that you provide through AVL’s online channels may be passed on to entities of the AVL group of companies. We will do so only if deemed appropriate. All entities of the AVL group of companies are bound by a groupwide Data Protection Policy.

Sometimes, and least partially, your Personal Data will be processed outside the EU or the EEA, namely in the following countries: Brazil, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Thailand, Turkey, and the United States. Other destinations may be added over time. Please refer to the current list of all AVL group entities at our locations. Transfers of Personal Data will be made on the basis of declarations of adequacy or other accepted safeguards according to the Articles 44 et seq. of the GDPR, in particular standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission, which can be accessed here.

Sharing your personal data with payment service providers

If you make payments to us through the methods anticipated on the AVL Website, your payment details will be transmitted to chosen payment service providers depending on the payment method you have selected.

The payment service provider bears the responsibility for your payment data. AVL uses the services of QENTA Payment CEE GmbH, Reininghausstraße 10, AT – 8020 Graz. The contact de-tails of QENTA Payment, of its Data Protection Officer (if any) and the categories of Personal Data processed by the payment service providers are available at

Use of other Service Providers

We use service providers for a range of services. If we do so, we ensure to be in compliance with the requirements under Art. 28 GDPR (provision describing the safeguards to apply when data processors are being used).

Secure Transmission

When special categories of Personal Data are transferred over the Internet, we encrypt it using Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption technology or similar technologies.


In addition to the processing of your Personal Data for purchasing reasons, we may use your information for the following marketing purposes (legal basis is Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR):

  • Sending interest-related newsletters
  • Inviting you to events and webinars
  • Informing you about the latest product and software releases, product recommendations, market trends/insights and promotions
  • Inviting you to participate in surveys in order to help us to improve our communication and communication platforms
  • Provide you with emails containing updates about technical developments and similar information.

Sometimes, we may ask you for your consent with respect to our marketing and promotional endeavors (legal basis then is Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR).

Opting-out from Our Communications

You can always unsubscribe from AVL marketing communication by logging-in to AVL My Cockpit and unsubscribing from marketing and promotional messages by clicking the unsubscribe tick box in “My News”. Your request will be processed immediately. You then will automatically be unsubscribed from all further information such as event, webinar, product and solutions, product release highlights etc. (except if you limit your opting-out to specific categories of messages). You can also object against such use of your Personal Data by contacting us at:

Where we process your Personal Data on the basis of your consent you can revoke that consent at any time. The revocation does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the con-sent prior to the revocation. If you want to withdraw your consent, please contact us at:

You can always change your preferences in the AVL My Cockpit (“My News”).

Newsletter Tracking

When sending out newsletters we use so-called web beacons or tracking pixels. A web beacon or a tracking pixel is a one-pixel image file embedded within the newsletter message, served to you from a remote server when you open the newsletter message. We use these to evaluate your user behavior. For this, the data mentioned in the section "Areas of the AVL Website" and the following information are linked to your email address and an individual ID:
(i) email delivered or not
(ii) email opened or not
(iii) timestamps
(iv) links clicked
(v) content viewed.
This data is used to create a user profile to better align the newsletter with your interests. In this way, AVL can better understand the extent to which our offers are of interest to you. We record when you read our newsletter and on which links you click. This data is also linked to your activities on our website.

Customized Ads on Facebook and LinkedIn

We use LinkedIn’s “Insight Tag”, Facebook’s “Pixel”, or technically similar services to deliver customized advertisements to you on 3rd-party sites. These services use information about visited AVL sites. You can opt-out of these ads and learn more about customized advertisements on, and/or (legal basis is Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR, our legitimate interest is direct marketing in accordance with recital 47 of the GDPR).

We are using cookies on our website.

We use cookies, tags and similar technologies on the Website to provide you with the best possible user experience and to help us improve the Website. Cookies are text files that are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website or use an app. (see

Some of the cookies we use are necessary in order to make available certain features of the Website. Furthermore, we use cookies to analyze the use of the website with Google Analytics and to obtain information for the optimization of the website. Lastly, we use marketing cookies to deliver customized ads on some sites (e.g. Facebook and LinkedIn). More about Google Analytics and your choices in this regard can be found below. Also, you will find out more about our use of cookies if you interact with our cookie preferences tool implemented on the Website (legal basis is Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR). A large part of the AVL websites may also be viewed without cookies.

You can set your browser not to accept cookies or to ask each time before storing a cookie. You can also delete cookies on your device by using the corresponding function of your browser. In addition, you have the option to inform us of your preferences regarding the acceptance of cookies via the cookie preference tool used on the website.

We may use Google Analytics or similar services on our website. These are services provided by third parties, which may be located in any country worldwide (in the case of Google Analytics Google LLC is in the U.S., and which allow us to measure and evaluate the use of our website (on an anonymized basis). For this purpose, permanent cookies are used, which are set by the service provider. The service provider does not receive your personal data from us (and does not retain IP addresses), but the service provider may track your use of our website, combine this information with data from other websites you have visited, which are also tracked by the respective service provider and may use this information for its own purposes (e.g. for targeting advertisements). If you have registered with the ser-vice provider, the service provider will also know your identity, based on the information you provided to it. In this case, the processing of your personal data by the service provider will be conducted in accordance with its data protection regulations. The service provider only provides us with data on the use of our website (but not any personal information of you).