Successful Completion of TACC Project’s First Phase

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The first phase of the Training for Automotive Company Creation (TACC) project, dedicated to generating new business ideas in the automotive sector, has concluded successfully. The students presented eight entrepreneurial proposals, but only four of them will advance to the second phase, which involves validation and prototyping.

AVL Italia is proud to have supported this initiative for five years and is always impressed by the innovative and bright ideas of the students involved. In collaboration with Creators Expedition, AVL has accompanied the students on this journey, providing them not only with insights into the automotive industry’s key challenges and trends but also methodologies and tools for developing new business ideas and projects.

We are not mere observers; we believe in the power of innovation, entrepreneurial spirit, and the potential for change in the automotive sector. In this historic moment when the transportation industry is undergoing a revolution, it is essential to challenge old thought patterns and reimagine the future.

TACC Event
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