
Industry Day: Exploring the Digital Proving Ground

Presented by AVL and Clemson University

Please join us in exploring the future of automated and connected mobility. 


Event Facts

AVL and Clemson University are proud to present an industry event focused on the future of connected and automated mobility.

Together, we're teaming up to explore the digital proving ground through facility and laboratory tours, live demonstrations, and interactive panel discussions at the Clemson University International Center of Automotive Research (CU-ICAR) campus.  

During the event, attendees will gain insight on advancements in autonomous vehicle technology in on-road and off-road vehicle applications. Notably, AVL's ADAS experts will lead an AVL DRIVINGCUBE™ demonstration to illustrate our advanced ADAS/AD testing and validation solution for ready-to-drive vehicle applications.  

Presentation language
Carroll A. Campbell Jr. Graduate Engineering Center

4 Research Drive
Greenville, SC 29607
United States

  • Connected and Automated Mobility
  • Vehicle In Loop Testing
  • ADAS/AD Verification & Validation
  • 3D Perception for ADAS/AD Safety
  • Automated Driving Experience
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9:30 am

Registration & Coffee

10:00 am

Welcome Address

Dr. Zoran Filipi
Director, School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering
Founding Director, Center for Virtual Prototyping of Ground Systems (VIPR-GS)


10:15 am

Overview of AVL-Clemson Collaboration 

Dick Locke
Key Account Manager, AVL

10:30 am

CU-ICAR Facility & Lab Tour
  • Introduction to CU-ICAR Facility: Dr. Venkat Krovi Fasme, Michelin SmartState Chair Professor 
    of Vehicle Automation
  • Powertrain Lab: Dr. Venkat Krovi, Michelin SmartState Chair Professor of Vehicle Automation
  • Test Vehicle Demo: Dr. Matthias J. Schmid, Research Assistant Professor
  • ViL Testing: Dr. Yunyi Jia, McQueen Quattlebaum Associate Professor
  • 3D Perception for ADAS/AD Safety: Dr. Bing Li, Assistant Professor
  • OpenCAV Overview: Dr. Venkat Krovi Fasme

10:30  am

AVL DRIVINGCUBE™ Demonstration
  • Introduction to AVL DRIVINGCUBE
  • Exploring the Software behind Vehicle-in-Loop
  • Close-Up of Key Hardware Components 
  • Live Demonstration/Test Cell Tour

12:30 pm



1:30 pm

Panel Discussion: Overcoming Challenges In The ADAS/AD Development and Validation Process

2:00 pm

Panel Discussion: Trusting Autonomous Vehicles - ADAS Safety and the Automated Driving Experience 

2:45 pm

Closing Remarks

3:00 pm

Networking Mixer
AVL SIMpulse: Safety, Longevity, Affordability – Cracking the Battery Code
AVL SIMpulse: Safety, Longevity, Affordability – Cracking the Battery Code
AVL Inverter Testing
AVL UK TechDay Inverter
AVL TechDay Brake Wear
AVL TechDay Brake Wear 2025
PreonDay 2025
PreonDay 2025
AVL TechDay E-Mobility
AVL TechDay E-Mobility 2025
Symposium on Development Methodology
11th International Symposium on Development Methodology