Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer visits AVL

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Graz, Austria, June 21, 2023: What are the future trends and where are where are we heading when it comes to the technological developments in the Austrian mobility sector. These and other exciting questions were addressed by Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer during his visit to AVL headquarters in Graz. On top of the agenda, there was an exchange on the topic of sustainable and new drive systems on the way to decarbonizing the automotive sector.  

Prof. Helmut List, Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, welcomed the Chancellor as well as Regional Minister for Economic Affairs Barbara Eibinger-Miedl and invited them to tour the company's headquarters. Highlights included the AVL Battery Innovation Center, as well as the AVL Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Test Center, which is one of the largest and most advanced test facilities for fuel cells and electrolysis systems in the world. 

Innovations, List said, are coming from all sectors. Ultimately, he said, technology must be combined with a solution that adds value for all citizens, society and the planet: "The goal is to create a sustainable, safe, comfortable and affordable mobility for everyone."  

Chancellor Nehammer was delighted: "AVL is a leading company in Austria. The company is living openness to technology.” Green hydrogen is on everyone's lips, he said. At AVL, a lot of research is being done on this energy carrier. This is now a joint focus. “Together”, the chancellor continued, “we want to drive the green transition by promoting research and development in the field of sustainable technologies.” 

"I am very happy to be here today, Professor ", Chancellor Nehammer concluded, "the visit was very informative and interesting for me. I hope to continue an intensive dialogue."

Nehammer AVL

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