
AVL Point Source Sampling System

Add-On module for the running loss test application in accordance with the US regulation EPA §86.107-96, to determine evaporative emissions of a vehicle while driving.

Front View of Point Source Sampling System

The Point Source Sampling System is an innovative solution designed to measure evaporative emissions of hydrocarbons during vehicle driving. The system provides a cost-effective alternative to conventional Running-Loss test cells and is essential for accurate and efficient emission testing.

Depending on the desired configuration, the device consists of three to four individual heated sample lines including flow control and a sensor measurement system and is connected to a CVS system. Each sample line can be individually positioned at a dedicated measuring point on the vehicle to measure the hydrocarbon (HC) concentrations.

The Point Source Sampling System is crucial for the automotive industry as it provides a reliable and efficient solution for measuring evaporative emissions. With increasing environmental regulations, the ability to accurately measure and control emissions is vital. This system not only ensures compliance with these regulations but also helps manufacturers improve their products' environmental performance, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Detail view of point source sampling system

Product Specifications

The Point Source Sampling System is designed to provide accurate and reliable measurements of evaporative emissions. Below are the specifications of the product:

  • Application: Running-Loss Testing
  • Sample Lines: Heated and individually connected to specified sample points
  • Compatibility: Works with AVL Tank Heating Unit i60 and AVL CVS i60
  • Software Module: Point Source Add-On Module available for iGEM CVS Device Control SW 2.0
Property Unit

Dimensions (h x w x d)

876 x 730 x 1130 mm
Operation Parameters  
Media diluted exhaust gas
Main flow rate 2 m³/min, optional 4 m³/min
MFC flow rate 20 Nl/min
Temp. heated lines 80 °C
Ambient conditions  
Ambient Temperature 5 - 45 °C
Humidity 5 - 80 %


Cost-Effective Add-On Module

Offers a budget-friendly alternative to traditional Running-Loss test cells.

Accurate Measurements

Ensures precise measurement of evaporative emissions, contributing to better environmental performance.

Regulation Compliance

Helps to meet stringent environmental regulations.

Enhanced Flexibility

allows for individual positioning of sample lines to allow various testing scenarios.

Point Source Sampling System Main Unit

The main unit transfers the heated vapor fron the vehicle into the CVS system. It controls the heating circuits, mass flows and sensor readings for the sampling. An integrated mixer module ensures a homogenous mixing into the CVS unit.

Heated Sample Lines

The sample lines can be individually heated and positioned at a dedicated sample point on the vehicle to measure evaporative HC emissions. The heated lines transport the sample gas from the sample point via the pre-filter to the emission system. They are optimized to prevent condensation and hangups of the sample.

Connection to CVS System

The system can be easily connected to an AVL CVS i60. The adaption kit allows for flexible connection and on-site adaptions.

Software Application Package

The Point Source Add-On module for the iGEM CVS Device Control software offers the familiar and clear user interface. It adds an additional operator panel to monitor and control the Point Source Sampling device.

SHED System
Evaporative Emission Testing

Learn more about our holistic product portfolio for evaporative emission testing of vehicles and components.

Front view of Tank Heating Unit
AVL Tank Heating Unit i60

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