Services for Software

Keep pace with testing demands from propulsion and vehicle development
AVL Customer Service Software Maintenance

The complex development processes for the vehicle, the propulsion technology as well as for driver assistance systems, require software solutions to a high degree. The IT and software domain is in constant change (software ageing) due to IT security & data safety, hardware capabilities, interface management, amount of data, etc. Thus we are providing Services for Software (S4S) to make sure, you always keep up with the demands on your testing software and keep its value throughout its entire lifecycle. 

Environmental protection is an important part of AVL’s overall strategy. Thus, our innovative service solutions consider CO2 reduction as a self-conception. Due to our cloud- / web based and remote services, we significantly reduce e.g. onsite interventions and thus travelling.   

The rapid speed of change for the software requirements as well as the constant change in the IT environment led to a change in how we develop and maintain software across its lifecycle. Software upgrades & updates are required to be done regularly to benefit from the latest developments in terms of functionality and stability. Agility in the software maintenance process is needed to provide features when they are needed. Stability is ensured by standardized testing and validation processes within the AVL Test Center. Easy access to software via the AVL Experience Cloud as well as professional support via the AVL Case Management portal completes the S4S offering. 

AVL Customer Services

Requirements on the software are coming up in a much higher frequency than they have been demanded in the past. The reason for that is simply the speed of vehicle, propulsion and driver assistance systems development. Software features for testing need to be provided when they are needed. This requires an agile software maintenance process with regular software updates. Download your software from the AVL Experience Cloud and benefit from its newest features and stability add-ons. 

Update Image

‘If you don’t actively attack risks, they will actively attack you !’ (Tom Gilb) According to that, we embed our services for software into your risk management. Regular updates reduce the risk of software anomalies when changes in the IT environment are done or when security patches are applied on the operating system. An unavailability of the testing software equals an unavailability of the entire testing system. It creates immediate project cost and impacts the project time plan. Apply preventive measures due to regular software updates and avoid risks from turning into problems. 

AVL Smart Report

Our innovative tools – boosted by the digital transformation  – provide additional benefits to you, when managing your software. Digital interaction tools enables self-service with easy access to software and  information anywhere and anytime; they accelerate processes in your daily business. Smart services make visible where service tasks are required for your testing systems. Take advantage of this new transparency and switch from reactive to proactive services for your software.  

Software Maintenance
Software Maintenance

With software maintenance, AVL ensures the value and stability of AVL software for the customer throughout the entire product life cycle

SW Maintenance and Support
Software Maintenance and Support

In today’s testing environment it is key that the Software is operational as long as possible and technically feasible. Software need to be valuably throughout its lifecycle within secured budgetary frame conditions.

AVL Skills Center Training
AVL Skills Center Training

Knowledge transfer for toolchains and applications tailored to your needs.

Application and Process Services

Application Support is a high-level engineering service aiming to support both testing facility as well as development engineers in making best use of the available testing system.

In times of rapid change, uncertainty and unpredictability, a partner offering stability and continuity is of significant importance. AVL is such a dependable partner. Our global footprint is constantly growing to ensure proximity to our customers, and we strive for long-term partnership with them. AVL has proven its ambitious customer orientation and dedication in the recent global economic difficulties. AVL Customer Services is a reliable value provider - in good times and in turbulent times. 

Global Footprint


Service- and Application Engineers (thereof 300 resident engineers)

> 14

Hotlines for localized 1st Level Support

> 10

Repair / Calibration Center globally

> 16

Training Facilities worldwide


Global CARE Staff