Inverter Testing Solutions
The inverter acts as the brain of the electrified powertrain and is quite complex to understand in terms of handling and behavior. Together with the battery and the traction drive, it forms the basis of the powertrain. In order to improve development time-to-market, efficiency, noise, and overall driving comfort, the inverter must be tested on a dedicated test system. Such an optimized test environment results in an efficient verification process and reduced time compared to testing the unit under test in a real-world prototype.

Fuel Cell Testing Solutions
At AVL, we specialize in the development and testing of fuel cells—from single cells to complete systems. We combine individual measurement products into a testbed system and support you with mature methodologies and industrialized test solutions so that you can concentrate on challenging development tasks. The breadth and depth of our product portfolio allows us to serve both stationary and mobile applications, from automotive and marine to rail and aerospace.

Using existing know-how and technologies of the automotive industry, and applying them in railway applications is the way to go forward. Our solutions are cut out for your challenges.”
– Sascha Heinecke, Director Sales Industry Solutions, AVL List GmbH